How Does Sedation Dentistry Affect Your Health?

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how does sedation dentistry affect your health

If the idea of visiting a dentist in Okotoks terrifies you enough to make you put off your essential dental cleanings and checkups, you aren’t the only one. Fear of the dentist is more common than you may think, which is why our team at Cimarron Dental Wellness offers sedation dentistry near you.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

In the past, dental patients were not so lucky as to receive dental treatments without pain. Luckily, advancements in dental medicine have allowed us to discover substances such as nitrous oxide that help keep patients calm and comfortable during their dental procedures. This led to the discovery of sedation dentistry. There are four stages of sedation that can be used by a dentist near you:

  1. Minimal sedation- this is for those who would like to feel relaxed but still conscious during their procedure.
  2. Moderate sedation- otherwise known as “conscious sedation,” relaxes patients in the chair and keeps them awake; however, the patient will likely forget most of the procedure after they come out of sedation.
  3. Deep sedation- here, the patient is out of it but will still be able to respond to the dentist and follow instructions if necessary.
  4. General anesthesia- with this, the patient is completely unconscious and will need their vital signs monitored by a professional during their procedure.

Sedatives can also be administered in several ways, such as through an oral pill, a needle inserted into the vein, or a mask. The method for administering the sedative will depend on the level of sedation you end up getting.

What Are the Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry?

Some people report experiencing side effects post-treatment from sedation. It is important to note that these sensations are normal in most cases and subside within a couple of hours. However, ensure that you are aware of some of the most common side effects:

  1. Headache- probably the most common side effect of sedation is a headache. Most of the time, patients feel a light throbbing immediately after treatment that lasts for about a day.
  2. Amnesia- if you cannot remember what happened during your dental procedure, even if you were conscious, don’t panic. Memory loss is one of the effects of the sedative administered to you, and you won’t experience any further memory loss once it wears off.
  3. Low blood pressure- sedatives can cause blood pressure to drop. This is expected, and your dentist will monitor your blood pressure throughout the procedure to ensure that you remain safe.
  4. Nausea- if you feel like you need to vomit, don’t feel alarmed. This is a sign that the sedative is leaving your body.
  5. Drowsiness- it is normal to feel a bit sleepy after your procedure. The sedative may take a while to leave your system, and you will still feel its effects for a couple of hours.

The Bottom Line

If you are anxious about visiting the dentist, you may want to consider sedation dentistry in Okotoks. Dental sedation is an excellent way to help you remain relaxed in the dental chair and does not come with any long-term side effects. If you would like to learn more about sedation dentistry, please do not hesitate to contact our team at Cimarron Dental Wellness to book your appointment today.